Saturday, September 21, 2013

'Sloppy Dead Seconds' Cheapo Web-Style Production Update!

It's cheap! It's lurid! It's my new movie in production!

We will be resuming production Monday night when we shoot two motel interiors with Liliana and Belva. Unfortunately, one of our actresses had to be replaced so we're recasting her and the other actress in the scene was requested for gigs during Fashion Week in LA -- which is an awesome thing! -- so better that we just reschedule and do it all on another day.

The film is actually moving along pretty well, when you consider that we're producing a 75 min feature and we're able to work three or more days a week, as opposed to the one day a week schedule we had for the 46 min short we did last year (which ended up taking 5 months). Even with the few delays due to unexpected stuff, we should be able to finish this film around the end of this month or the first week of October. I'm confident that I'll be finishing the final cut long before Halloween.

More to follow...

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