Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pre-Production Day!

This morning I pick up my female lead to determine hairstyle, go over costuming points and discuss the script. I have an acting coach employed on this film: Shaun Brower. At around dawn I woke up and reviewed a portion of an influence film, listening to a director's commentary. Now I'm having some tea, waking up to full speed, and will be heading off to get Maleina.

Maleina Malinskii
 This film started with one title which changed during the writing, but now I'm considering going back to the original. It's not a common word, but it is appropriate and also appropriately intriguing. Since this is a film I will produce more self-indulgently than the last, it's not going to be for the multi-plex ADD crowd. I think you likely know how I feel about that. This one has some very personal themes, though what some will assume is obvious will be off. Once the writing is done, the real fun part begins, and I don't just refer to the shooting. I'm talking about the subtext that bubbles to the surface. This is often kick-started for me by other films; little moments or shots from scenes of influential films that aren't just things I'll copy but more catalysts for my deeper understanding of what is actually going on. Homage as spark plug.

Drawing by Edith Head
So, today will be for dealing with symbolism and archetypal stimulants.

I can't wait to get started...

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